Number one Muse. Some of the songs I listen to are: The Dark Side, Pressure, Algorithm, Uprising, Supermassive Black Hole , Starlight , Hysteria , Plug In Baby, and Madness. The band in second place is Liken Park. Some of the songs I listen to are: Numb Encore, In The End, What I’ve Done, New Divide, Crawling, One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong, and Castle of Glass. My third favorite band is Bon Jovi. Some of the songs are: Its My Life, Runaway, Wanted Dead or alive, You Give Love A Bad Name, and livin’ on a you can see I’m a big music guy.
If I Won the Lottery
If I won the lottery, I would buy myself a really nice house preferably in black and red. I would also buy a black and red motorcycle and Lamborghini. I would get the best scientists in the world to recreate dinosaurs. If I won the lottery this is what I would do with the money.
The Volcano
as I walk in the volcano, I can feel the heat on my skin as it burns the hairs on my arms. The taste of ash made me want to leave but I could not stay there for long. It was a mater of time before i had to leave .
The Dive
Last weekend I went scuba diving In the Indian. In the distance I could make out the shape of a pyrite ship. The cold water pressing against me. I heard the creaking of the pyrite ship. I can smell the scent of fish. the taste of the salt water made me want to swim for even longer. My scuba diving trip in the Indian ocean was really fun.
The Best Field Trip Ever
The best field trip ever was the swimming field trip. It was the best field trip, because I got to swim with my friends. The water was warm. I got to dive off the side of the pool I even did ten laps, in width, of front crawl. I went down the slide a lot, like ten times’ loved it all the way to the end. Overall, it was the best field trip ever!
My Letter
Dear Me
You look good today. You’ve gotten taller over time. You have a car. I mean you have a really nice car. hope you have a nice day.
From Kayden
my greatest talent
my greatest talent is singing. I found my talent playing Rock Band 4. The first time I played Rock Band 4 was three years ago when year I first came to Carberry. The year after I started to sing for Rock Band 4. The years went on and I got better and better. Though I needed a song to sing with. I think my greatest talent is singing.
making a fire
today I will teach you how to make a fire. You will need a hatchet, sticks and a BBQ liter. How to start to make the fire. First you need to take the hatchet. This is a simple warning you could nearly kill your self. When I first made a fire it was last summer and I nearly put a cut in my leg that was the size of a knife. Well lets get over the gory you need to use the hatchet to cut the wood into small peace’s. then put the small peace’s in a triangle shape. Then keep on building up the wood onto the pile. then use the BBQ liter to lite a fire. This is how you make a fire.
Bob: He is the cat detective. Murder: Murder is the dog murderer. Jef : Jef is Bob’s boss.
the story
One day in a city of dog’s and cat’s. It was a beautiful day out. bob thought the same as every one else… well not the same as every one else but he thought It was a beautiful day. Before he got to work he realized something was wrong. once he got to work people were looking for him. As soon as he got in his office. His boss was in his office and he told him there was a murder mystery…
Staying up at Home
Mom and Dad I know a way I can stay up later. If you let me stay up i will do the dishes, and then I’ll put the trash out. Afterwards,I’ll vacuum the basement. Before I vacuum I will do the laundry. Eventually I will dust the entire house. Next I will tidy my room. After I’ll play my video games. In conclusion I’ll tidy the entire house to get a chance to stay up.